Empowering the Four Pillars: Transformative Coaching and Training for Leaders

Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Change, and Building a Better Tomorrow Across Civil Society, Government, Business, and Education

The Four Pillars at the Kintana Institute represent the key areas of society: civil society, government, businesses, and education. Our primary focus is on training leaders and educators to promote progress across these pillars. We empower individuals in leadership positions, local leaders, business owners, and educators through coaching services tailored to their needs. Additionally, we provide teacher training and coaching training, equipping leaders, managers, and educators with essential coaching skills.

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About Us:

Our vision is to lead the transformation of adult and youth education in Madagascar by integrating innovative methodologies such as self-directed learning, neuroscience research, performance science, and learning theory. We aim to empower individuals to adapt, deepen, and refine their knowledge while meeting international standards and fostering joy, growth mindsets, and holistic development.

Through personalized coaching, specialized teaching, and cutting-edge educational practices, we nurture growth mindsets among adult learners. Our mission is to create a dynamic learning environment that promotes self-actualization, eliminates barriers such as shame and fear, and cultivates joy and abundance. We strive to empower professionals to obtain advanced degrees and certifications, cultivate fulfillment and abundance, provide holistic support, spark positive change, and establish a sustainable business model.

At the Kintana Institute, we believe that education is crucial for creating a brighter future. Our approach integrates coaching, self-directed learning, and methods such as Positive Intelligence ™ and Montessori, to nurture autonomy, responsibility, creativity, and overall development in adults and children alike. We address and master skills such as complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, decision-making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility to prepare individuals to thrive in the rapidly evolving world.

Kintana Institute Vision Statement:

Our vision at Kintana Institute is to lead the way in transforming adult and youth education in Madagascar and beyond. We envision a world where communities and leaders trust each other, where those in positions of leadership work in service of the community, challenging each other and everyone to do better. We see a future where leaders and educators are changemakers, valuing individuals for their unique qualities and histories. In this world, every child, every citizen can celebrate their unique path and identity. We envision an environment where healthy conflict is encouraged, and individuals are empowered to lead and cooperate with confidence and joy.

In pursuit of our vision, we also aim to establish a sustainable business model that supports our long-term objective of opening a nonprofit primary and secondary school, Sekoly Kintana, extending our impact to learners of all ages. This vision encapsulates our commitment to transforming education, empowering individuals, and building a brighter future for generations to come.

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Mission Statement:

Our mission is to create a dynamic learning environment that reignites the passion for learning and nurtures growth mindsets among adult learners. Through personalized coaching, specialized teaching, and cutting-edge educational practices, we equip individuals with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in the 21st century. Leveraging the latest research in neuroscience, performance science, and theory of learning, we strive to build a supportive community that fosters self-actualization, eliminates barriers such as shame, guilt, anxiety, and fear, and promotes joy and abundance.

Through the integration of innovative methodologies such as self-directed learning, the latest research in neuroscience, performance science, theory of learning, personal responsibility, and advanced technologies, languages, and online educational services, we aim to empower individuals to adapt, deepen, and refine their knowledge to meet international standards. Our goal is not just to meet these standards but to surpass them, creating local pride, fostering joy, growth mindsets, and holistic development.


  • Empowering professionals to obtain advanced degrees and certifications in fields such as Education and Administration (Teachers and Administrators), Professional Coaching, Executive Leadership, and Life Skills for Business Employees.
  • Cultivating joy, abundance, and fulfillment in individuals, enabling them to create lives that honor their individuality and aspirations.
  • Providing holistic support and guidance to learners on their personal and professional growth journey.
  • Sparking positive change in millions of lives by promoting growth mindsets and reducing stress.
  • Establishing a sustainable business model that supports our long-term operations and contributes to our nonprofit primary school’s funding.

Financial Model:

Our financial model is based on social enterprise principles, focusing on sustainability and accessibility. We will pursue various funding sources, including business grants and investor funding, to secure start-up funds for our Adult Education Professional School. Long-term sustainability will be achieved through revenue streams like enrollment fees, placement agency services, and employer refunds for student performance. A portion of the funds generated will support our nonprofit primary school, ensuring educational excellence and societal impact.

Our Why

We passionately believe that education is the cornerstone of a brighter future. In Madagascar, where only 15% of teachers are licensed and just 32% of pupils complete primary school, there’s an urgent need for transformative education. At Kintana Institute, we stand for healing, building trust, and cooperation. We champion the creation of a truly diverse, inclusive, and equitable society, recognizing that this requires active engagement from all, particularly those who hold the most power. We are committed to embarking on a never-ending journey of eliminating our own discriminatory biases, both conscious and unconscious, and becoming aware of our power and privilege. Through this journey, we aim to truly see, trust, and welcome all those who are different from us.

According to the World Economic Forum, mastering specific skills is crucial for gaining a massive advantage in our rapidly evolving world.

These skills include:

  • complex problem-solving,
  • critical thinking,
  • creativity,
  • people management,
  • emotional intelligence,
  • decision-making,
  • service orientation,
  • negotiation, and
  • cognitive flexibility.

At Kintana Institute, we are committed to developing these skills, through our transformative educational methodologies.

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